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May 21, 2023
Have you ever experienced your car stalling or having trouble starting after getting gas? It can be a frustrating and concerning issue, especially if it happens frequently. There are many potential causes for a car to stall after filling up, so it’s important to understand what’s happening and how to address the issue.

March 30, 2023
The average mileage of a Ford V10 engine depends on numerous factors, with some people listing figures of between 10 to 14 miles per gallon and others of 9 to 11 mpg.

June 27, 2023
For a full-size spare, the pressure should match your regular tires’ recommendation, found on the driver’s side door jamb or in your owner’s manual. The recommended pressure is usually higher due to air loss while in storage for a compact or temporary spare (a.k.a. “donut”).

March 27, 2023
The average horsepower of a semi truck falls in the 400 to 600-HP range. Semi trucks’ horsepower varies from model to model, though we can usually categorize their horsepower ratings by 300-400, 400-500, 500-600, and over 600.

March 27, 2023
To drive 10 miles, you’ll need to consider your average speed. Cruising along at a consistent 60 mph on the highway will only take 10 minutes to cover 10 miles. If you’re stuck in city traffic, it can take you twice or even 3 times as long. Ultimately, the time it takes depends on your speed, traffic conditions, and other factors.

March 27, 2023
Yes, you can, but it might not be completely necessary if your Subaru comes with Symmetrical AWD. Before installing the chains, make sure they are the appropriate size since certain models may not have enough clearance between the tires and the body of the vehicle.

March 26, 2023
Based on a review of 43 past and modern base models, the average dimensions of a pickup truck are 212.4 inches long, 76.0 inches wide, and 73.3 inches tall (without roof accessories).

March 26, 2023
Choosing the right rim color for your white car can be a challenge, but it’s also an opportunity to express your unique style and add a touch of personality to your ride. A white car provides a blank canvas, so you have the freedom to choose from a range of shades. The right rim color can make a bold statement and turn heads, but with so many options available, it can be overwhelming.

March 23, 2023
Generally, a quarter tank of gas is enough to cover a distance of between 100 and 200 miles. However, it ultimately depends on the type of car you’re driving, its fuel tank capacity, and your driving behavior.

June 26, 2023
There’s no shortage of items that you shouldn’t put in your car’s gas tank, including but certainly not limited to water, sugar, salt, hydrogen peroxide, antifreeze, and brake fluid. Virtually anything that doesn’t belong in the gas tank can be hazardous to the vehicle and the driver.

March 23, 2023
When it comes to gas brands, there are 2 names that immediately pop into mind—British Petroleum (BP) and Shell. They’re both mega-behemoths in this industry, and you will undoubtedly come across at least one of the gas stations during long trips. But the question is, between BP and Shell gas, which one is better?

June 30, 2023
So, you’re hearing some weird clicking noises when you press the gas pedal? That’s definitely not normal! When something doesn’t sound right, your first reaction may be to stress out, and when it comes to a clicking gas pedal, that reaction is warranted!